
„There are 3 main focuses in my workshops: using the right technique, finding the most effective way of doing tricks, and learning some cool elements.“


What I cover:


  • specific warm up and physical preparation exercises for Acrobatics, Handstand and H2H
  • handstand training
  • improving your basics
  • how to break down complex skills
  • nice and easy cool down, stretching and recovery


I can teach all levels, and also offer mixed level workshops. The content will be tailored to the level and the wishes of the participants.

What I teach:

My expertise lies in standing acrobatics, hand to hand (beginner to professional level) for duos.

I can also teach Banquine (beginner to advanced), 3 men high variations, group acrobatics, dance acrobatics (duo), floor acrobatics (beginner and intermediate), handstands …

Washing machines, washing machines, anything where you need to open a chakra and washing machines.


Let’s collaborate! Get in touch to explore how we can work together.

Contact me: